Is There More

Frequently, when we read scripture there’s a difference between the people’s experience with God then and people’s experience with God now. When it comes to God and His church, most people are asking this question: Is There More? It’s a valid question. The answer is...

Here I am

The phrase “Here I Am” echoes through the pages of scripture. Over the course of this series, the One City teaching team will bring current day application to these timeless accounts. In this first week of Here I Am, Pastor Karin brings the story of Abraham...

She Did the Best She Could

  Most of us resist sharing an AirBnB with our extended family for a week on vacation. Can you imagine traveling together for 40 years in the wilderness? In the message, we look at Moses’ message as the children of Israel are on the cusp of the Promise Land as their...

Trust Issues

  Take an honest look at what keeps many of us from fully trusting God and how to move from where we are to the place we can experience God making our paths straight. Based on the well-known Proverbs 3:5-8, we are challenged to move past the familiarity of this...