This message is designed help people finish and start strong. All of us want to live a blessed life, but few of us truly know and understand what it means to be blessed and to be a blessing. This message will define the term and help us see if from God’s perspective. A blessing is so much more than a nice greeting or salutation.
Tune into this message and learn the heart behind Numbers 6:22-27. Most of us have end this blessing at the end of a service, but have you ever walked through it line by line:
The LORD bless you and keep you.
The LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. The LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
There’s more but you need to listen to receive the blessing and become a blessing. Do you want 2024 to be a blessed year? Do you want to be a blessing in 2024? God is still in the business of blessing people, but He loves it even more when we make ourselves available to be blessing.
Lastly, blessings aren’t free. They are costly, but they are also priceless. You’ll never regret applying the truths of this message.