52 Days of First Priorities

What can we complete in 52 days if we reestablish and honor God’s priorities? What’s possible if you honor these four priorities for 52 days?· Honor your priority time daily.· Honor the Sabbath weekly.· Honor a serve opportunity weekly.· Honor the tithe and offering...

One Team

Learn the importance of the team over the individual. Just like you can’t live this life alone, you can’t make a difference alone. 1 Corinthians 12:7 says, “But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.” It’s time for us to learn...


Nehemiah responds to the news that the walls are broken down and its gates have been destroyed by fire. There’s a radical difference between sadness and repentance. Listen to this message and learn how Nehemiah prayed, but he also did more than pray. Prayer was an...

It’s Time to Follow Again

Listen to this message and discover what you need to see and hear to follow again. It’s time to stop making it so complicated. Once you find out where God is already at work, everything simplifies. This series will rediscover God’s power or discover it for the first...

Cultivate: Prepare the Land

In this opening message we’ll build the foundation of the series by learning about the four types of soil and what’s needed to: plow the soil, prepare the seedbed, plant the seeds, and pray for rain. This is an extremely important series because it gives you trusted...